Sunday 21 October 2012

Success In Social Media

What Does Successful Social Media Look Like?

When you are starting a social media campaign, what are you thinking about? How to reach 20,000 fans, followers, or connections? Maybe even a more modest 1,000? Stop that thinking, immediately! Sure, aesthetically, these are metrics to aim for, but they won’t get you very far.

Social media success is not about how many fans or followers you can get. Take a minute and let that register. Let it sink in, and always keep it in mind. Instead of counting followers, try to think about how much engagement you are getting from the followers you already have.

When your customers are engaged, and willing to spread the word about your company, additional fans and followers
will inevitably ensue.

Let me put this into a little better perspective for you. A small company, which we will call ABC, with 5-10 employees, launches a social media campaign. ABC company has 1,000 fans, and 190 of them are posting about them or on their page. They’re still spending the same amount of money on customer service, and their website hasn't received any more hits than what it was getting before. Sure, they made a lot of impressions - and maybe gained some brand recognition, but it is offering no additional value to their company.

Instead, let’s take a look at another scenario:

ABC company has 500 fans, and 95 are posting about them, or on their page (50% reduction!). They look at their records, and they notice an increase in hits on their website, and at the same time, their customer service expenses are decreasing! So, even with less overall impressions, the content is driving their customers to engage, buy, click, or do whatever else the company would like them to!

The Power Of One

Remember, it only takes one person to get something out there. Through social media, one person could have thousands of connections at any given time. By having one person post something about your company, you have opened the floodgates for more impressions. That one person could deliver thousands of chances for someone else to connect, and if they do, that could lead to thousands more. Then if they post it....well, I think you see where I am going with this.

My point is this: If you can engage even a small number of users, your possibility of gaining more followers can grow exponentially!

Acquiring Your Following

So, how do you persuade anyone to become engaged, post, repost, and talk about your company?

You don’t have to!

That’s the beautiful thing about social media. Most everyone who joins, do so to connect to others in some way. They are already looking for a reason to do so. All you have to do is provide them with something they can connect about.

Now, that may seem easy. In fact, you could probably stop reading right now, go out and start posting, and have some success. However, should you choose to read further, you could learn numerous ways to maximize your return on investment. Instead of throwing your time and money out the window, you could be saving money and making sales.

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