Tuesday 14 August 2012

CD-ROM, DVD, or other disc tray not opening


CD-ROM, DVD, or other disc tray not opening.


Locking device or software installed
First, verify no locking software is being loaded that prevents the tray from opening. If you are unable to determine this, reboot the computer and as it is booting up, eject the tray.
No power to computer or disc drive
If you have recently installed a new CD-ROM, DVD, or other disc drive or you have moved the computer, it is possible that the power to the CD-ROM may have become loose or disconnected. 
Check the cable connections.
Bad eject button
If you are running Microsoft Windows open My computer, right-click on the disc drive and choose the option to eject.
If this ejects your CD-ROM drive tray, it is likely that the button on the CD-ROM drive has become defective and it is recommended that the drive be replaced.
CD stuck within drive
It is possible for a CD to get stuck in the drive. Look for a small hole (that is not the head phone jack) as shown in the below picture. Place a paper clip into the hole and manually eject the CD-ROM tray.
If the CD-ROM drive is only partially able to be opened, pull the tray gently to see if it can be manually ejected. If it cannot be opened any further, it is likely that the gears within the CD-ROM drive have become bad, dislodged, or that a CD is positioned in the drive, which does not allow it to open.
Incompatibility with IDE or ATAPI interface
If you have an IBM compatible computer and recently installed the CD-ROM drive and are unable to open the drive, temporarily disconnect the IDE cable to verify that you not experiencing an issue with an incompatibility between the CD-ROM and motherboard. Once the IDE cable has been disconnected, power on the computer and see if the CD-ROM drive tray is now able to be opened.
If the drive is able to be opened with the IDE or ATAPI cable disconnected, it is recommended you use the interface card supplied with the CD-ROM drive or the ATAPI interface on the sound card or motherboard.
Bad drive
Unfortunately, if after following the above recommendations you are still unable to properly open the CD-ROM drive using the button on the front of the CD-ROM drive, it is likely defective and should be replaced.
Caution: If you are able to open the CD-ROM drive using a paper clip. We do not recommend that you continue using the CD-ROM drive by manually ejecting the CD-ROM using a paper clip. The drive should be replaced and this is not meant to be used as a temporary solution.

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